


Log | 2024・8


  1. Hooks and towel racks; the former is simple and sufficient, while the latter takes up space and has significant limitations. Although the latter can be aesthetically pleasing, it is not practical. It's somewhat like product design.

  2. Four major waves of mass emigration to Hong Kong: 1. The implementation of collectivization in 1957; 2. From 1961 to the Great Famine in 1962; 3. 1972; 4. 1979.

  3. Liang Xiaosheng's "Analysis of Various Social Classes in China" is quite boring. It claims to be an analysis, but it's more like a story, filled with nonsense.

  4. Research shows that products branded with "AI" can reduce purchase willingness because: 1. Cognitive trust: expectations are too high, and any mistakes can severely damage trust; 2. Emotional trust: limited understanding of AI leads to fear of the unknown.

  5. I don't really like people who are overly eager to teach others; interacting with them can be uncomfortable. I remind myself not to be that kind of person.

  6. There was a discussion in the group about whether to connect to a compliant VPN line, and one conclusion was very agreeable: so-called compliance is only compliance for a specific department; other departments can still cause you trouble. It's like opening a store; having a business license doesn't prevent you from being shut down for health violations.

  7. Reading is primarily about pleasing oneself.

  8. When brainstorming with others, it's important to prohibit self-criticism; it's a great principle.

  9. Wasting time is a crime against oneself. How many people understand this principle but cannot practice it?

  10. Dong Ge invited me to record for a radio station, saying he thinks I am "very thoughtful." I hesitated and politely declined, feeling that I don't have much to say at this stage.

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