


Log | 2024・7


  1. The driver certification process for Hello ride-hailing is very smooth, directly verifying the driving license by jumping to 12323, avoiding the embarrassment of not having the driving license on hand.

  2. I often see many people not buying cars because they have calculated the cost of buying and maintaining a car and compared it to the cost of taking a taxi. In the end, they conclude that taking a taxi is more cost-effective. In fact, I think buying a car should not only be calculated based on economics. The happiness index that a car brings to people also includes the ability to go wherever you want and the joy of driving. The most important thing is that it expands your range of life.

  3. I took the D license (three-wheeler driving license) and went to another city to take the test because currently only that place still has human invigilators, while other places are gradually transitioning to computer-based tests, which means the difficulty has increased. I practiced driving for a day, took the first and fourth exams, and will go next time to directly take the second and third exams. I will get the license in two days. This kind of opportunity will not happen again in the future, as everything is moving towards standardization.

  4. Gambling addicts and pyramid schemes are similar in that they often start by deceiving the people closest to them.

  5. While walking on rural roads, I saw some farmers selling fruits by the roadside. My first reaction was that they probably couldn't sell much in a day, and it would be a waste of time. But then I thought, maybe they have no other choice. If they don't set up a stall, the fruits will just go bad. As for wasting time, that's not even a consideration. Perhaps time is the one thing they have in abundance.

  6. When the dam in Hukou burst and was filled in, a group of people rushed up and waved their prepared flags. Looking at this magical scene, I didn't know what to say.

  7. The grooming meeting in Scrum development is quite interesting. Each developer has a set of cards with different numbers. After the product manager explains the requirements, everyone asks questions, and the product manager clarifies. Finally, everyone reveals their cards, which is an evaluation of the story points (rough work hours) for the requirement. By revealing the cards, you can see the differences in the cards played by different developers. If the differences are large, it means there is a lack of understanding and further clarification is needed. If the cards are mostly the same, it means that everyone has a basic understanding and can provide a reasonable work estimate. This kind of grooming meeting is better than traditional review meetings as it encourages the participation of most people and tries to avoid inaccurate work estimates.

  8. I had dinner with my cousin and we talked about his experience of opening a restaurant in a tourist city and paying respects to the local customs. Before opening the restaurant, you have to take care of the relevant people, have a meal together, sing karaoke, and during holidays, you have to give gifts, ranging from a few cigarettes to red envelopes, good wine, and good cigarettes. You can't miss the security team leader - and you won't miss them because when it's time to prepare for the holidays, someone will remind you: "It's time to prepare for the holidays." Then they will leave, and you will know what to do.

  9. Franklin D. Roosevelt praised the Soviet Union multiple times, saying, "A country that saves itself while helping the world avoid the threat of the Nazis, we are willing to be good neighbors with such a country and become sincere friends." Now, of course, it is ironic. But even if Roosevelt had not suddenly passed away back then, it would not have become the "sincere friend" he hoped for. After all, personal will cannot influence national interests.

  10. I have never paid attention to Dong Yuhui, and I am not very interested. Every time I see him in various news, I feel a bit uncomfortable. The reason may be that every time he looks at the camera, he looks down with his head raised. This behavior of looking down on others makes me very uncomfortable. That's just how I am - the first impression greatly influences my attitude.

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