


Log | 2022・3


  • 2022-03-31
    • 23:14 #Books/The Artist of Life/Chapter 4 Philosophy and Kung Fu On the surface, hardness and softness seem to be opposites, but in fact, they are interdependent and complement each other to form a whole. The meaning of hardness and softness itself is that both are prerequisites for each other, forming one another; they are complete only with each other. The unity and integrity of things is a characteristic of Chinese thought.
    • 22:34 Some people never learn to respect throughout their lives.
    • 16:02 #Books/I Work on User Growth at the Frontline Following competitors to develop features is a relatively safe decision, but it is generally not the best. It is considered safe because it reflects our keen market sense, timely response, and minimizes excessive blame. Conversely, if we do not act and the product proves effective in the end, the consequences will be severe. Therefore, choosing what not to do requires courage and is very important.
  • 2022-03-30
    • 10:26 "The Power of the Dog" Phil knew when he died that Peter had tampered with the hide; this tragedy is no less than Gatsby being shot at the moment he hears the phone ring in "The Great Gatsby."
    • 10:11 #Books/Why Read Classics Calvino: I particularly love Stendhal because only with him does the moral tension of the individual, historical tension, and life impulse synthesize into a single entity, namely the linear tension of the novel. I love Pushkin because he is clear, ironic, and serious. I love Hemingway because he is realistic, understated, and longs for happiness and melancholy. I love Stevenson because he presents himself as he wishes. I love Chekhov because he does not exceed the places he goes. I love Conrad because he navigates the abyss without sinking into it. I love Tolstoy because sometimes I feel I almost understand him, but in fact, I understand nothing. I love Manzoni because until recently I hated him. I love Chesterton because he is willing to be a Catholic Voltaire, and I am willing to be a communist Chesterton. I love Flaubert because after him, people can no longer attempt to do as he did. I love Poe's "The Gold Bug." I love Twain's "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn." I love Kipling's "The Jungle Book." I love Nyerere because every time I reread him, I have the same joy as the first reading. I love Jane Austen because I have never read her, yet I am satisfied just because she exists. I love Gogol because he distorts with refinement, malice, and moderation. I love Dostoevsky because he distorts with consistency, anger, and lack of restraint. I love Balzac because he is a dreamer. I love Kafka because he is a realist. I love Maupassant because he is superficial. I love Mansfield because she is clever. I love Fitzgerald because he is never satisfied. I love Radiguet because youth never returns. I love Svevo because he needs to grow old. I love...
    • 09:45 The pandemic has turned masks into fast-moving consumer goods, even with a consumption frequency higher than most fast-moving consumer goods.
    • 09:14 #Books/The Artist of Life/Chapter 3 The Way of Jeet Kune Do "Desire" is a form of attachment, and "wanting without desire" is also a form of attachment. Wonderful, this seemingly paradoxical notion is absurd from a rational perspective, but that is how it is in Zen.
  • 2022-03-29
    • 23:13 #Books/On Beauty/Art is a Form of Productive Labor I increasingly find Marx's dialectical philosophy interesting, and it makes a lot of sense; it is more advanced and complete than pure idealism or materialism. However, the reason I have always been uninterested in it must be due to my early exposure to political education, which caused a sense of aversion. Moreover, only a small part that is beneficial to me is widely promoted, making me feel very unprofessional. But at the same time, it has sparked my interest in the complete Marxist thought.
    • 22:51 #Books/On Beauty/Some Misunderstandings about Marxism and Aesthetics As an ideology, literature and art ultimately must be determined by the economic base, which in turn has a counteracting effect on the economic base and the superstructure of politics and law.
    • 09:53 #Books/The Artist of Life/Chapter 3 The Way of Jeet Kune Do True observation can only be obtained after abandoning form; true freedom of expression can only occur outside of the system.
    • 09:49 #Books/The Artist of Life/Chapter 3 The Way of Jeet Kune Do What matters is not how much rigid knowledge a person accumulates, but how to flexibly apply that knowledge in practice. "Practicality" is absolutely more important than "technique." Bruce Lee repeatedly emphasized that kung fu should be direct and effective, starting from practicality rather than being constrained by techniques.
    • 09:22 #Books/The Artist of Life/Chapter 2 Introduction to Kung Fu The more a person wants others to affirm their value, the more they will remain silent. Because once they speak or act, people will respond with evaluations. The saying goes: "The wise do not speak, and those who speak do not know."
  • 2022-03-28
    • 23:15 #Books/The Artist of Life/Chapter 1 The Way of Kung Fu The concentration of attention in kung fu does not mean concentrating all attention on a single goal, but rather maintaining a static alertness in the face of events that may occur externally at any time. Just like a football fan watching a match does not focus solely on one player but pays attention to the overall development of the game. This aligns with the organic view mentioned by Zhu Guangqian in "On Beauty"—starting from the whole rather than the part.
    • 19:53 #Books/On Beauty/Talking about People In the chapter on talking about people, Goethe is mentioned again, echoing "Conversations with Goethe": Starting from reality rather than abstract concepts, analyzing from the whole rather than from fragments.
    • 19:47 #Books/On Beauty/Talking about People The mechanical view and the organic view; the former divides into fragments for analysis, while the latter emphasizes starting from the whole. Two interesting examples are given: the mechanical view is suitable for analyzing machines that can be disassembled into parts, which can be reassembled; the organic view is like a living organism, which is destroyed once divided. Kant and others held a mechanical view, while Goethe held an organic view.
    • 19:30 #Books/On Beauty/Talking about People Talking about beauty must start from talking about people, because beauty is a value, and value belongs to the economic category; whether in use or exchange, it cannot be separated from the subject of people.
    • 10:42 #quote In the age of printing, we talked to each other; in the age of television, we entertained each other; in the age of the internet, we performed for each other.
  • 2022-03-27
    • 11:38 I saw a rigorous analysis of the plane crash on YouTube. The conclusion of the analysis is that the accident occurred in four stages: cruising, descending, pulling up, and descending, lasting a total of two minutes. The pull-up indicates that the pilot attempted to save the situation during the accident, but ultimately it was ineffective, thus basically ruling out the possibility of human error. Source.
    • 00:31 #Books/On Beauty I started reading "On Beauty," a work from the 1980s. At this time, the author Zhu Guangqian was also eighty-two years old, having gone through ten years of turmoil, being very cautious in dealing with people. A direct example is that the book frequently connects Marxism and Mao Zedong Thought, creating a sense of walking on thin ice, far from the previous books' carefree tone. It reminds me of Fei Xiaotong, who also went through that era; his important works were completed before the turmoil, and after such upheaval, a sociologist who might have had a bright future could only suspend his research. A sigh.
  • 2022-03-26
    • 23:32 #Books/Conversations with Goethe The reason Zhu Guangqian translated this book is partly because Goethe's literary creation practice and theory are often mentioned in Hegel's "Aesthetics." The reason I read this book is that I came across an article by Yu Guangzhong, which piqued my curiosity about Zhu Guangqian. After reading several of his books, I was greatly attracted and then found this translated "Conversations with Goethe." It is like wandering in a garden, discovering beautiful scenery here and there by chance.
    • 23:05 Watching "The Power of the Dog," I quite like this kind of storytelling film that unfolds slowly; while calm on the surface, there are undercurrents, unexpectedly giving you a blow. When I was immersed in Phil's wholehearted dedication to Peter, unexpectedly, Peter killed him with anthrax, and only at the last moment did he realize that his feelings had been betrayed, even a bit unable to die in peace.
  • 2022-03-25
    • 22:08 After watching "The Captain of China," I continued to look for documentaries and felt that documentaries are more worth watching. The accident occurred in 2018, and the movie was released in 2019... too hasty, the script is not solid yet.
    • 00:17 #Books/Conversations with Goethe If a poet wants to engage in political activities, he must join a political party; once he joins a party, he loses his identity as a poet, and must bid farewell to his free spirit and just views, covering his ears with the hat of narrow-mindedness and blind hatred.
  • 2022-03-24
    • 10:21 #Books/Miscellaneous Thoughts on Mountain Living I saw the part about being swept out of the house on the road, though lightly touched upon, it vividly conveys the absurdity of that era. It resembles scenes in "Furong Town," those Red Guards, those revolutionary youths.
  • 2022-03-23
    • 15:40 From a rational perspective, given the state of the plane crash, the possibility of survival is almost nonexistent. Therefore, I feel a silent anger towards those clever remarks in the comments.
    • 15:37 Eastern Airlines held a press conference, and in response to reporters' questions, the chairman's answers were completely off-topic, almost avoiding the questions.
  • 2022-03-22
    • 23:49 #Books/Conversations with Goethe The greatness of great individuals should not be attributed to their so-called "genius," but rather to the social dynamics of the time and the teachings of the predecessors and peers they encountered; they merely reach out to harvest the crops sown by others. Goethe's views on the concept of genius have always been contradictory, and it was not until a month before his death that he gradually realized that a person is a "collective figure."
    • 23:24 #Books/Conversations with Goethe Goethe advocated for the exclusion of teleology in science, not pursuing why things happen for a purpose, but rather investigating how things happen, focusing on the internal and external causes of things and their inherent laws.
    • 10:36 #quote Use reading to combat the flood of time and fragmented consciousness, to be a focused and composed person.
  • 2022-03-21
    • 22:55 #Books/Conversations with Goethe Goethe proposed a viewpoint: the influence of books cannot be worse than the influence of real life.
    • 22:01 There are many reflections in "Attack on Titan," just as the saying goes, history is cyclical, nothing happens that has never happened before.
  • 2022-03-20
    • 23:10 #Books/Conversations with Goethe Goethe talked about the rising trend of super-romanticism in French literature. He believed that the literary revolution is beneficial to literature, but detrimental to the individual writers who instigate this revolution. Any revolution inevitably tends to go to extremes. This summary is very apt; taking this literary revolution in France as an example, it does not stop at pursuing a freer form; it also seeks to discard both content and traditional forms, which is very similar to the attitude towards the Chinese language in the early Republic of China.
    • 22:11 #Books/Conversations with Goethe Goethe mentioned that the youth in the city are always tamed too early, driving away all nature, originality, and wildness, leaving only a vulgar bourgeois atmosphere.
    • 17:28 #quote Not watching the news, you will be disconnected from the world; watching the news, you will be disconnected from the facts.
  • 2022-03-19
    • 21:56 #Books/Conversations with Goethe Goethe visited Schiller and found rotten apples in his drawer, realizing that Schiller believed the smell of rotten apples was beneficial to him; without them, Schiller could hardly live or work. It is speculated that the rotten apples fermented to produce a wine-like smell, which writers often need to invigorate their spirits. An interesting piece of trivia.
    • 09:11 #quote It is harder to make people believe they have been deceived than to deceive them. — Mark Twain.
  • 2022-03-18
    • 23:31 #quote Can't sleep? Just lie flat and you will fall asleep. What a profound comment. Source.
  • 2022-03-17
    • 23:43 #Books/Conversations with Goethe The things we agree on keep us calm, while the things we oppose enrich our thoughts. After reading Henricks' book, Ackermann lamented that the content of the book sparked many thoughts and numerous opposing opinions, and Goethe said this.
    • 23:33 #Books/Conversations with Goethe They were not proving the truth, nor did they have that intention; their only intention was to prove their own opinions. Therefore, they hid any experimental results that could prove the truth or disprove their theories.
    • 00:22 #Books/Conversations with Goethe Goethe talked about Chinese literature: Chinese legends, translated and annotated in French as "The Two Sisters." He commented that Chinese and Germans are almost the same in behavior and emotions, but Chinese people are clearer, purer, and more moral. Additionally, he discovered a characteristic: Chinese people live in harmony with nature, and in poetry, one can see the presence of people and nature everywhere.
  • 2022-03-16
    • 13:13 #Humor The director of the Shanghai Mental Health Center: Control the soul's desire for freedom. Indeed, it is Shanghai, elegant yet unpretentious. Source: Jandan Bored Pictures.
    • 10:30 #Magical Realism Last night's March 15 gala, the most disgusting was the pickled vegetables from the dirt pit, I think there is no way out for food safety in the country. Domestic dirty pickled vegetables are supplied; abroad, standard process pickled vegetables are used. Why? Because the domestic penalty for being discovered is only one or two thousand, while abroad it could be fined hundreds of thousands...
  • 2022-03-15
    • 23:11 #Books/Conversations with Goethe All regressive and declining eras are subjective, while conversely, all progressive and ascending eras have an objective tendency.
    • 22:40 #Books/Conversations with Goethe Goethe's business philosophy: If everyone is willing to do a little more than their share, the theater will flourish. This illustrates the contradiction pointed out by Engels regarding Goethe's dual character as a great poet and a German bourgeois.
    • 17:34 #Books/The Artist of Life/Foreword Bruce Lee clearly stated in an unpublished article that his greatest wish was to realize himself and become a living artist. The living artist he refers to is an individual's growth process, becoming a complete person physically, psychologically, and spiritually through the use of independent judgment.
    • 10:24 "New" is a perceptual conclusion; regarding new media, we consider media on social networks as new media, while for today's young people, perhaps print media is the new media. Source.
  • 2022-03-14
    • 23:43 #Books/Conversations with Goethe The misfortune of a nation lies in the fact that no one can live and work in peace; the misfortune of the literary world lies in the fact that no one is willing to appreciate the works that have already been created; everyone wants to recreate them themselves.
    • 23:22 Figma sanctions DJI; my first reaction was that cloud software is unreliable. If it were local, the file format could be migrated, then the concerns would be much less; this is why I like Obsidian and Markdown.
  • 2022-03-13
    • 18:36 #Books/Zhitao's Essays/Summer Night Dream Notes A saying goes, "Spring dreams are like dog farts." After sending it to the channel, a reader replied: Youth is an erect penis. Sounds quite accurate?
    • 18:01 #Books/Conversations with Goethe To maintain an orderly environment in the theater, a part needs to rely on strictness, a larger part needs to rely on friendship, but the most important thing is to rely on reasonableness and impartiality. He mentioned that at that time he had to guard against two enemies: one was the love of talent, which might make him biased; the other was facing many beautiful and spiritually magnetic women, he had to restrain himself. For him, the prosperity of an institution is more important than personal momentary happiness; if he gets involved in romantic entanglements, he would be like a compass needle unable to point in the right direction because there is another magnetic force interfering.
    • 17:59 #Books/Conversations with Goethe The Weimar theater caught fire, and Ackermann went to Goethe's house to talk, learning about some stories behind this theater. When Goethe ran this theater, he did not demand grandeur or bright costumes; he only required that the script must be good. Besides the script, he was also very particular about the training of actors, striving to contribute as much as possible in both practical rehearsals and social interactions, allowing actors to have significant improvements both spiritually and in appearance.
    • 17:48 #Books/Conversations with Goethe Goethe held Byron in very high regard, saying he had never seen anyone with greater genuine poetic talent than Byron; in mastering external matters and insight into past situations, he could be compared to Shakespeare. However, being in such a high position as a member of the House of Lords was detrimental to him, as he had to deal with too many trivial matters, thus wasting his talent.
  • 2022-03-12
    • 10:16 #Books/Conversations with Goethe Goethe talked about death, and he faced it calmly because he believed that the human spirit is immortal; it is like the sun, which appears to set to the naked eye, but in reality, it never sets and always shines. This quote references a line from the 5th-century Greek poet Nonnus: "The same sun always sets."
    • 09:47 #Books/Conversations with Goethe The era in which Goethe lived spanned a series of world events: the Seven Years' War, the American Revolutionary War, the French Revolution, the Napoleonic era... The lessons he learned are not available to later generations. He knew that people in this world are inherently insatiable; great figures will continue to abuse power, and the masses will not be satisfied with less than adequate conditions. The two demons of selfishness and jealousy will always cause trouble, and party struggles will never cease. Rocking back and forth, it is endless.
  • 2022-03-11
    • 22:29 #Books/Conversations with Goethe The advice to young poets is written so well that it deserves to be read repeatedly. Goethe reminds young poets not to rush to write lengthy works, as it will consume a lot of energy and may ultimately result in poor works. Instead, they should focus on the present, on smaller subjects, and when their understanding of things is more comprehensive, they can write lengthy works.
    • 22:18 #Books/Conversations with Goethe As long as a person can express one thing clearly, he can express many things clearly.
    • 20:16 #quote Chatting with friends who strive hard feels spine-chilling. Success seems to be the greatest addiction in this society, much scarier than addiction to cigarettes, alcohol, or sex. Source.
    • 19:59 Nucleic acid testing has a very important threshold, called the CT value, Cycle Threshold. Below this value is considered infected, above this value is negative. China currently uses 40, while Canada, the US, etc., use 35, and Germany uses 30.
  • 2022-03-10
    • 22:59 #Books/Zhitao's Essays/On Reading Behind Closed Doors Excerpt: I have always believed that the "Twenty-Four Histories" is a good book; it sincerely tells us the past was like this, the present is like this, and the future will be like this. What history tells us is indeed only the past on the surface, but the present and future are also contained within it.
    • 12:04 #Books/Fed Up with the Poor Today I finished reading "Fed Up with the Poor," many examples in it feel familiar, microloans, endless overtime... Isn't this just our daily life now, those examples seem like ordinary people passing by?
    • 00:55 #Books/Zhitao's Essays/Zhitao Speaks It turns out that Zhou Zuoren used the pen name Zhitao, derived from the sayings of Confucius and Xunzi, as well as the story of Yang Boqi not accepting gold gifts at night. Each took half, naming it Zhitao.
  • 2022-03-09
    • 09:21 #quote Love is never forgotten, it lives on forever. It reminds me of an anime "Coco."
    • 08:45 #Obsidian/Plugin Block quotes can be directly edited in hover mode: Obsidian Hover Editor.
  • 2022-03-08
    • 09:04 #quote They just like horizontal comparisons, not self-comparisons: Some people are not afraid of loss as long as those around them lose more, and they might even be happy about it. Source: Hailong Says.
    • 08:44 #Books/The Future World Promotion techniques: Taking money without doing anything, very dark humor. See excerpt: My junior sister told me her promotion trick: just take other people's gifts without doing anything for them; this way, she won't lack money to spend and won't make mistakes.
  • 2022-03-07
    • 23:05 Today's golden sentence: Mr. Pu wants to pull out Ukraine's teeth and then chain it up.
    • 22:26 I saw an interesting saying: if DINK, what if no one attends the funeral in the future? You could donate organs, helping others while having a good place to be buried, and every year there would be volunteers to sweep the grave, surrounded by kind people, wouldn't that be wonderful?
    • 22:14 #Books/Tomb/My View on Integrity Some people often sigh: the world is going downhill. But such sighs secretly exclude themselves, completely shedding their own responsibilities, as if it has nothing to do with them. See excerpt: Because of such sighs, not only does it criticize others, but it can also remove oneself from the "downhill."
    • 13:42 Criticism is best done in private, while praise is best done publicly. However, what we often experience from a young age are many public criticisms, while praise is often vague. Source.
    • 12:08 Mr. Yang Jiang said: I feel that reading is like visiting—a "hidden" visit. To refer to admired teachers or to pay respects to famous scholars, there is no need to make an appointment in advance or worry about disturbing the host. Opening a book is like stepping through the door; flipping through a few pages is like entering the hall; and it can be visited frequently, at any time. If one does not grasp the essence, they can leave without saying goodbye or simply find someone more insightful to confront. Source.
  • 2022-03-06
    • 23:19 #Books/Tomb/How We Become Fathers Many people hope for development through ancestral blessings, and all kinds of behaviors are based on ancestral traditions; whatever the ancestors prescribed is followed without fail. Have we ever thought about the limitations of ancient people? Using old ideas to guide our future is one mistake; excessively maintaining ancestral customs with wealth hinders our own development, which is the second mistake. See excerpt: Unfortunately, China's old views are completely contrary to this reasoning. The focus should be on the young, but it is instead on the old; the emphasis should be on the future, but it is instead on the past. The former sacrifices the latter, and unable to survive, it harshly criticizes the latter for making sacrifices, destroying all ability for development itself.
    • 23:15 #Books/Tomb/How We Become Fathers To sustain life, we need to eat; to continue life, we need to have sex. The former is taken for granted; why is the latter considered unclean? This section of the discussion is excellent. See excerpt: Judging solely by common sense, it is clear that since it is biological, the first priority is naturally life. Because the essence of being biological lies in having life; otherwise, it loses its meaning. Biological entities have various instincts to preserve life, the most prominent being appetite. It is because of appetite that food is consumed, and because of food that warmth is generated, preserving life. However, the individual of a biological entity cannot avoid aging and death; to continue life, there is another instinct, which is sexual desire. It is because of sexual desire that intercourse occurs, and because of intercourse that offspring are produced, continuing life. Therefore, appetite is about preserving oneself and current life; sexual desire is about preserving offspring and eternal life. Eating is not a sin, nor is it unclean; intercourse is also not a sin, nor is it unclean. The result of eating nourishes oneself, which is not a favor to oneself; the result of intercourse produces children, which certainly cannot be considered a favor to the children. — All along, it is a journey towards life, only differing in order, making it impossible to distinguish who benefits whom.
    • 22:29 #Books/Tomb/On Beards Excerpt: For those who take true words as jokes, jokes as true words, and jokes as jokes, there is only one method: that is to say nothing.
    • 21:22 #Books/Tomb/Prologue Excerpt: Additionally, for myself, there is a small significance, which is that this is at least a trace of life. So although I know that the past has already passed, the soul cannot be traced, but it cannot be so resolute; I still want to gather the dregs and create a small new tomb, one side is burial, and the other side is nostalgia. As for the nearby flat ground, I do not wish to manage it, nor can I manage it.
    • 16:24 #Books/The Future World Aunt Xiao Yao's words do not count; after I corrected her, she retorted: even if I said it, can it not be changed? I applauded and said: Don't study physics anymore, come study history; I see you have a talent in this area. This part is truly dark humor.
    • 16:02 #Books/The Future World My uncle's novel collection has a passage: In every era, good novels can be written, while bad novels are popular in every era. This passage was replaced by "囗" (wéi), the reason being to promote nihilism. It is somewhat similar to the handling of current articles and films; more ironically, this book is titled "The Future World," published in 1995.
    • 11:51 #Books/The Future World We have established a historical law, defining the meaning of history: History is the simplest, non-contradictory explanation of known historical materials.
  • 2022-03-05
    • 21:52 #Books/The Future World Excerpt: Regarding the guiding principles of history, it is necessary to add a sentence; it consists of two contradictory requirements. The first is that all historical research and discussions must lead to conclusions that the present is better than the past; the second is that all the above discussions must lead to conclusions that the present is worse than the past. The first principle applies to culture, systems, and material life, while the second applies to people.
    • 21:47 Wang Xiaobo's "The Future World" is well written; the opening paragraphs deeply attracted me. I think his essays are wise and darkly humorous, while his novels are awkward and waxy. Therefore, he should mix some plot into his essays, rather than mixing some essays into his plots.
    • 21:42 #Books/The Future World Excerpt: I am a history student; history is a liberal arts subject; therefore, I know the guiding principles of liberal arts—this means that everything that forms written words should lead to a conclusion that is beneficial to us. The book merchant wants me to write that my uncle died of prostate cancer, which is in accordance with this principle because it is beneficial to them.
    • 21:18 #Books/The Golden Age Excerpt: People find it hardest to get through the age of forty. At that time, the mind is very clear, and one can realize they are aging. After that, it becomes muddled, unaware of the approach of old age.
    • 17:15 The five techniques of controlling the people in "The Book of Lord Shang" correspond exactly to some thoughts in "1984" and "Brave New World." Source.
  • 2022-03-04
    • 20:54 Ukraine was once the third country to possess nuclear weapons, ultimately signing the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances in 1994, transferring nuclear weapons to Russia in exchange for independence and sovereignty, with the UK and the US promising not to stand idly by if Russia invaded Ukraine. Clearly, this promise has settled in the dust of history.
    • 15:24 The years and dates of the two World Wars and the recent Russia-Ukraine war add up to 68 and 32, which is a bit coincidental. Source.
    • 10:11 #Books/Fed Up with the Poor The speed of computers is getting faster, and people's pursuit of efficiency is also increasing; various indicators whip every practitioner to work overtime and all night to chase endless goals. Facing the logically rigorous computer for more than ten hours a day, the feedback received is also clear, while that vague intermediate attitude is gradually falling out of favor. As people become closer to computers, relationships between people become increasingly hollow. The book gives several extreme examples: engineers uninterested in sex, entrepreneurs who inexplicably break plates at home...
  • 2022-03-03
    • 22:38 #Books/Zhou Zuoren's Essays On Making Egg Cakes. Excerpt: Confused experience and hollow knowledge are equally useless.
    • 21:20 #Books/Zhou Zuoren's Essays Flies. There is a Greek myth that tells of a fly that was originally a virgin, but was transformed into a fly because she loved to talk too much, yet could not change this habit, thus enjoying disturbing people.
    • 20:16 #Books/Fed Up with the Poor A self-deprecating remark: By observing people's expressions on the tram, one can easily tell who is an insider. Because they all share a common characteristic: pale faces, vacant eyes, and tense expressions. In a public office, one can see such people everywhere.
    • 20:12 #Books/Fed Up with the Poor Possession of demonic qualities. Excerpt: When a close relationship is established between humans and computers, a computer that responds correctly at all times without emotions will be much more beneficial than humans who are influenced by emotions. In contrast, interpersonal communication becomes increasingly troublesome. The result of this development is a growing aversion to interacting with people, gradually leading to isolation and losing vibrant, moist emotions.
  • 2022-03-02
    • 22:16 #Books/Zhou Zuoren's Essays My Own Garden. Excerpt: If one uses any name to force people to sacrifice their individuality to serve an idiotic society—under the pretext of catering to social psychology—that is as unreasonable as using the name of ethics to force loyalty to the monarch, or using the name of the state to force people into war. This statement is very reasonable.
    • 18:17 #Policy Zhengzhou has adjusted the recognition of first-time homebuyers: For families that own one housing unit and have paid off the corresponding mortgage, when applying for a loan again to purchase ordinary commercial housing to improve living conditions, banking financial institutions will implement first-time home loan policies. Translated, this means that after paying off the first home, one can restore first-time qualification, meaning that the original second home required a 60% down payment, now only requires a 30% down payment.
    • 14:11 Now various abbreviations and acronyms have become rampant to the point of needing to convert several layers of meaning. 润 -- rùn -- run -- run away.
  • 2022-03-01
    • 23:51 #Books/Zhou Zuoren's Essays Preface, 1932, by Feiming. Excerpt: Not to mention anything else, has there ever been an atmosphere for studying in China? It still cannot escape the tradition of "scholars," where "academic excellence" leads to "officialdom," at least it involves politics.
    • 23:50 #Books/Zhou Zuoren's Essays Preface, 1932, by Feiming. Excerpt: I return to the three words "New Culture." To be honest, I always feel that new culture has never been established in China. What should new culture be? I think it should be a scientific attitude, which is an attitude against the Eight-legged Essay. Looking at China as a whole, regardless of which school, at its core, it is still a set of Eight-legged Essay. Initially, everyone wrote new poetry to overthrow the constraints of old poetry, but now they have fallen into the constraints of the West, beautifying it as the rules of new poetry.
    • 23:38 #Books/Zhou Zuoren's Essays Chapter Preface, September 1933, by Zhang Xichen. Excerpt: Essays are different from poetry: Poetry is like starlight, it can be sparse and twinkling, while essays are like flowing water, they should flow smoothly. Only essays can be detailed and thorough, but avoid "saying everything"; "saying everything" becomes stagnant water.
    • 23:09 #Books/The Golden Age I wore pajamas but not pajama pants, and I kept watching in the cold. Although it was a bit cold, there was a benefit: it could increase the speed of reading.
    • 09:55 The most commonly used phrase in the financial industry to combat fraud: What you care about is interest; what he cares about is your principal. Source: Vitamin E.
    • 09:36 Twitter has this Thread discussing the geopolitical issues surrounding the Ukrainian dilemma, reasoning that Russia will inevitably invade Ukraine; although it is said after the fact, it is still worth a look.
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