


Log | 2022・2



  • 22:02 #Books/2015 Continuing to read "The Silver Age" tonight and found myself engrossed. The part about my uncle and aunt is so interesting, and several descriptions showcase Wang Xiaobo's black humor.
  • 22:22 #Books/2015 I was wrong; it turns out the interesting part is "2015" at the end, not "The Silver Age." I'm ashamed, which shows that I really didn't get into "The Silver Age."
  • 22:46 As long as the metaphor is positive, people don't mind being compared to anything, for example, many people don't mind being Wang Xiaobo's underlings and are willing to be that unique pig.


  • 13:47 A Twitter thread explaining SWIFT:
  • 15:37 Are today's operators really this rogue? When adjusting a plan, they directly tell you the conclusion: I'll help adjust it, is that okay? If you accidentally give a positive answer without hearing clearly, you fall for it.


  • 10:19 Holding this seed / Put it in your pocket / You will surely fall on our land / Sunflowers will bloom where you are buried. A Ukrainian woman said to a Russian soldier.
  • 12:11 #Comics A comic website themed around programmers. "Won't Laugh Youth":
  • 12:51 #Quote The killer is destroying the world, the savior is repairing it, while the cannon fodder qualifications are always flattering the killer. — Lu Xun, "Napoleon and Sui Na"



  • 09:58 #Podcast/Soft and Hard 8. The Soft and Hard Radio - Breaking it down: functions. If you don't like something, then join it to change it, rather than criticize it from the sidelines. This logic is quite rogue. Sun Yat-sen constantly criticized the Qing Dynasty; according to this logic, should he take the imperial examination and join the Qing to change it?


  • 17:33 #Quote Whoever you care about, you become their slave.
  • 17:49 #Want to Read "Ancient Crimes": A documentary on the nationwide trafficking of women.



  • 21:30 TIM singled out the professions of flight attendants and models, which reveals a lot.


  • 21:20 Marriage is not just a matter between two people, but between two families.


  • 07:23 #Books/Mountain Dwelling Miscellany In ancient Hangzhou, when a daughter from a prominent family got married, she needed to provide osmanthus candy, symbolizing "nobility." Gao Songfen came from a prestigious family in Hangzhou, and this aspect was particularly meticulous, requiring six different types of osmanthus candy. Due to different procedures and materials, it was complicated, and her father started preparing for it when she was fourteen to eighteen.
  • 09:26 #Books/Mountain Dwelling Miscellany Ancient marriages were indeed complicated; the bride's family was responsible for preparing the dowry, which included daily necessities. The Gao family prepared for four years. In the end, a comprehensive list would be given to the groom's family, with utensils generally in pairs, except for the chamber pot, which was singular, meant for the groom, symbolizing "from beginning to end."
  • 09:33 #Books/Mountain Dwelling Miscellany The Gao family's dowry referred to the chamber pot as "Zhongsi Yanqing," where Zhongsi is an insect found on the stove, and the stove god is one of the sacrifices; generally, they wouldn't catch Zhongsi, allowing them to reproduce in large numbers. The "Book of Songs" has a poem "Zhongsi": Zhongsi feathers, wash and wash, suitable for your descendants, shake and shake. Yanqing means to continue the joyful events. Combined, it means a house full of descendants.
  • 10:24 #Books/Mountain Dwelling Miscellany Gu Hongming commented on the differences between Western and Chinese marriage systems: For Westerners, marriage is the end of love; for Chinese, marriage is the beginning of love. This statement is somewhat accurate; for example, the protagonists in "The Horse Whisperer" did not know each other before marriage but developed genuine feelings afterward.
  • 14:05 #Books/Food for the Poor Excerpt: Everyone is trapped in a huge device, striving to turn time into money, forced to live faster and more efficiently, even surpassing physical limits, never missing a moment. This rhythm prevents us from living according to natural time, leading a vibrant life, leaving us feeling exhausted and constantly exploited. The external world seems glamorous, but internally it operates frighteningly fast, causing people to fall deeper into it. Isn't this the state of many of us now?
  • 14:29 #Books/Food for the Poor People who do not cherish themselves. Many organizations and activities that inspire self-reflection have emerged in society, although they are expensive, urban white-collar workers flock to them because they are bound by the values and worldviews that measure and judge individual worth in real life and urgently seek release.
  • 14:58 #Books/Food for the Poor A depiction of cannibalism. Excerpt: We are like riding on a unicycle that could fall at any moment, feeling the anxiety approaching from behind, having to ride until we exhaust ourselves, to death or nothing. This metaphor is very apt.
  • 14:59 #Books/Food for the Poor A depiction of knowing people. Excerpt: In a society where laboring hard is less rewarding than sitting back and collecting interest, it is unreasonable for people's hearts not to go mad. This is too similar to present-day China.



  • 20:26 The media is reporting on Gu Ailing, and friends are sharing the incident in Xuzhou Feng County, what a fragmented reality.
  • 20:59 #Books/Loving You Like Life Excerpt: We should encourage each other, remind each other, and not indulge, lest we waste our most precious things. What a beautiful and harmonious relationship; such relationships are enviable.
  • 21:11 #Books/Loving You Like Life Wang Xiaobo is romantic yet depressed, which is his unique character. When he met Li Yinhe, he first asked if she had a boyfriend, then bluntly asked: What do you think of me? Romantic and straightforward.
  • 21:19 #Books/Loving You Like Life Wang Xiaobo and Li Yinhe had no descendants; it turns out they were lifelong infertile.


  • 00:18 It's impossible to please everyone. We should do our best and have a clear conscience. Of course, if it can also make those we care about and those who care about us feel satisfied, that would be even better.
  • 09:08 Now nationalist sentiments are being exaggerated; even the elderly at home are starting to talk about national affairs, which is not a good sign.
  • 09:42 #Film/Attack on Titan After Eren activated the rumbling, Mikasa, Armin, Jean, and Connie's views on Eren perfectly reflect different people's views on genocide.
  • 10:29 If the plot goes in a direction different from what one expected, they start cursing it as a bad ending, completely ignoring the logic of the plot's development; this is the norm for many viewers.
  • 12:58 #Humor A colleague in the product department had a spatula; after asking, they said it was a mirror, then another colleague said: Spatula mirror.
  • 20:53 Courage and foolishness often mean the same thing; only after the results come out can the differences between the two be easily distinguished.


  • 21:18 This thread summarizes the issue of V2EX's debt from 80,000 to 800,000, worth a read:
  • 22:52 #Books/Loving You Like Life The initial address in the book is: Hello, Li Yinhe. Gradually it becomes: Hello, Yinhe. A bit less playful and cute.
  • 23:06 #Books/Loving You Like Life Wang Xiaobo wrote that he was drifting further from the party's requirements. Excerpt: I increasingly feel that a mediocre life, playing a role in society, has drained people. Everything we do is fulfilling obligations, and our own value standards are also dictated. Isn't the joy of being human too pitiful? No wonder some would rather be a mad dog.


  • 00:08 #Books/My Spiritual Home Communicating with Others — Acceptance Speech for "Future World." Excerpt: I feel that this award is not given to the already formed words, but to the understanding of the art of the novel. The value of the award lies not only in the trophy and prize money but also in the resonance with the work.
  • 00:09 #Books/My Spiritual Home Communicating with Others — Acceptance Speech for "Future World." Excerpt: The meaning of writing lies in communicating with others.
  • 00:19 #Books/My Spiritual Home Natural and Cultural Landscapes. Excerpt: Chinese people only value the history that has been written down, not the history that is preserved in the environment.
  • 01:26 #Books/On Liberty Introduction. Excerpt: A nation that can think about freedom and government can only become a truly mature political nation.
  • 21:38 Eileen Chang's essay: Love. It describes a girl who was trafficked by relatives, a very beautiful girl... how cruel. This understated, silent power is comparable to Lu Xun's detailed portrayal of Xianglin's Wife.


  • 18:50 Gmail uses free services as bait and invitations as a cold start method, a very genius idea; once users register, they immediately have contacts, preventing them from having no one to send emails to.
  • 23:58 #Books/My Spiritual Home I wrote "The Golden Age." If one considers everyone's opinions, writing becomes an embarrassing thing.


  • 12:49 #Film/Lion Boy "Lion Boy" pays homage to Stephen Chow in many places, from character settings to scenes and jokes... it's simply a combination of "Shaolin Soccer" and "Kung Fu."


  • 00:37 #Books/The Great Gatsby I recently listened to this book again before bed and on the road, realizing Fitzgerald is still very impressive, especially in shaping characters through scenes and dialogues, which can be vividly portrayed. The part that impressed me the most was when Nick first visited Daisy's house and when Nick went with Tom to meet his mistress; it was incredibly detailed in character portrayal.
  • 19:35 #Black Humor The censor died of overwork, and the company deleted his information and rights protection information. He deleted unharmonious information while alive, and after death, he was also deleted as unharmonious; how blackly humorous.


  • 21:30 The goals set by the boss may not be reasonable, but they have a certain necessity. If you feel resentful because of the goals set by the leader, perhaps looking at it from another angle might be better.


  • 20:29 #Film/Attack on Titan The existence of someone like Ymir is reasonable, especially in an ancient environment; if you apply modern thinking, it becomes difficult to understand.
  • 22:53 #Books/My Spiritual Home Art and caring for vulnerable groups. The so-called "taking the law from above, gaining from within," in science and art, we should not focus our energy on caring for vulnerable groups; otherwise, how can we improve? For example, the son of director Xie Jin is mentally disabled; should he base his film on what his son can understand? Then we would lose many excellent films.
  • 23:55 #Film/Zombie Campus This opening is done really well; the title dissolves, evaporates and enlarges, the camera zooms in, then transitions to a ground full of zombies, seamlessly connecting, creating a sense of fear.


  • 11:48 #Quote The vast majority of problems in this world are actually economic problems. This comment reveals many real issues. Therefore, understanding economic laws remains an important topic for ordinary people. From: Viewing the Prisoner Case from My Perspective in Northern Jiangsu:


  • 00:31 #Want to Do In the future, I want to plant a row of firecracker flowers along my home wall, so I can enjoy the orange and green colors in spring.
  • 00:38 #Books/The Blood-red Gift Lost in the Sea Breeze Tonight, I saw the Kindle placed on the bedside table in Xiangzi's room, so I picked it up to read; it was still on, which was nice. When I opened it, the list still had those books I read before, one of which was "The Blood-red Gift Lost in the Sea Breeze." This novel is written very well; I decided to reread the namesake novel. It's very short; I finished it in ten minutes and was still moved by its descriptions and plot. Excellent works might just be like this.
  • 12:01 #Books/Perfume The last part of the third chapter is very ironic. If we compare the perfume Grenouille released to money, it seems to be well understood. People hate those who make money by depriving their own or others' interests, but when these money is thrown to them, they cheer for it.
  • 19:16 #Books/Mountain Dwelling Miscellany "Zhitang" knows Zhou Zuoren, Lu Xun's brother, who is good at writing trivial matters. Zhou Taimi wrote a couplet for this book: "Wenbi Zhitang really has flavor."
  • 19:30 #Books/Mountain Dwelling Miscellany Preface Two. Zhou Zuoren advocated literature for people, emphasizing writing about the ordinary lives of ordinary people—just like "the neighbor is having dinner in the yard, greeting as they pass by, casually glancing at those small dishes."
  • 20:04 #Books/Mountain Dwelling Miscellany Chapter Three: Customs of Old Hangzhou. In the past, as long as it was something dictated by ancestors, it had to be done without any deviation, extremely rigid. I also felt this during this New Year; one is that no meat can be eaten on the first day, and the second is that one cannot wash their hair from the first to the seventh day. The former is unreasonable because if you have a big feast on New Year's Eve, if you don't finish it on the first day, wouldn't it spoil and waste? The latter does not consider the discomfort of women with long hair, as it becomes oily and itchy.
  • 22:22 #Books/Translation is the Great Way Discussing the Westernization of Chinese. India has influenced Chinese for two thousand years through religion, and many terms come from Buddhism, such as Bodhisattva and Arhat. Unlike the influence of English, when Buddhism was introduced, Chinese culture was at its peak, with enough strength to absorb it; since the early Republic, English has infiltrated through a large number of translations and incorporation into basic education subjects, coupled with the decline of Chinese culture, leading to a phenomenon of indigestion regarding English absorption. The former's influence stops at vocabulary, while the latter has penetrated grammar. Yu Guangzhong made an apt analogy: the former stops at the surface, while the latter has reached the joints of the body.


  • 11:52 Pineapple cake, a traditional Taiwanese pastry, developed from Western-style cookie crusts. The filling mainly has two types, one based on winter melon and the other a mix of winter melon and pineapple. The reason for retaining the name pineapple is that in Taiwanese, "pineapple" sounds like "prosperity," carrying auspicious meanings. #Trivia
  • 14:03 The 2002 arson case at the Blue Speed Internet Cafe prompted the regulation of internet cafes. All four arsonists were minors, ultimately serving a few years to over a decade, but they caused twenty-five deaths and twelve injuries.
  • 15:54 In the fourth episode of the second half of the final season of "Attack on Titan," the notion that the Attack Titan advocates for freedom may be due to Eren, as the previous successors were influenced by future Eren's memories.


  • 15:32 One downside of scaling is that it is hard to ensure characteristics and quality. Today I had a bowl of snail noodles; a few years ago, when it was still a small workshop, the taste was excellent, but now after opening multiple branches, the noodles have become hard and tasteless, no longer having the flavor of the past.


  • 14:22 I found that a place's name is easily influenced by local language or culture, as language is a form of cultural presentation—having visited some mountain villages, I was inspired by local village names.


  • 22:30 I started rereading the novel "Perfume," where Süskind accurately uses the metaphor of a louse for Grenouille.


  • 12:40 On the second day of the Lunar New Year, an elderly person passed away, making me once again sigh at the impermanence of life. I heard that she had been home for a long time before her passing, lying in bed being cared for—one cannot choose their birth, nor can they easily choose their departure. Especially to leave in pain is tragic. In the following three days, a grand feast was held locally; it was originally a funeral but turned into a celebration of sorts.


  • 12:20 Formalism will never disappear. Today, on my way to a friend's mountain home, I saw many gray houses by the roadside; after my friend explained, I learned that those were mud houses forcibly coated with cement to make it look better for leaders inspecting along the way.
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