


Log | 2021·1



Read Huojun's blog. I just learned that Baidu Wenku once did something unethical to promote itself. To download documents from the library, you need points, and where do the points come from? You have to upload documents to earn points. But not everyone can create, so those who want points can only steal others' works to upload. This is a disguised encouragement for users to become pirates; it's the same principle as "kill first if you join my gang."

Read Huoju's blog. Content e-commerce has destroyed content. The former targets the wallets of readers, while the latter focuses on the readers themselves. This is not something that can be solved by a single product; it is caused by the essence of the internet being free.

Pinduoduo's model actually verifies a principle: a large portion of people do not value their time highly; they would rather spend half a day doing something just to save a few bucks.

Live-streaming e-commerce is also very time-consuming, but some people do not care, and the interaction that live streaming brings makes it easier for them to accept compared to detail pages and videos.


The emergence of a consumer society and the sequence of educating consumers is also a chicken-and-egg problem.

While the online society brings people closer together, it also amplifies differing opinions. When any platform fails to handle voices well, it can become a flood beast that ultimately devours that platform. Weibo and Bilibili have a bit of this meaning.


Live streaming is different from video; it should be interactive, as interaction is human nature. Similarly, monetization through live streaming should also focus on this essence of interaction.


When I say the word "future"
The first sound becomes the past.

When I say the word "silence,"
I break it.

When I say the word "nothing,"
I create something from nothing.

— "Three Most Strange Words" by Wisława Szymborska | Translated by Chen Li

Dedicated space. Let different places serve their purpose: the bed is for sleeping, the desk is for working and studying, and they should not be mixed. Once you arrive at a location, do the tasks associated with that location, develop the habit, and you will quickly enter the state and maintain focus.

Read "Getting Out of the Only True View." The author experienced the Cultural Revolution when he was young, during which mass rallies were popular, meaning people traveled across the country. He took this opportunity to travel by train throughout the country. Although the Cultural Revolution is hard to look back on, this experience is something I envy.


In life, we often fall into the trap of "treating the head when it hurts and the foot when it hurts," which is a typical example of non-systematic thinking.

All of this points out that each of us is a fragment of another's soul, just recombined in a new way. However, the representation of each contributor of soul fragments is certainly unequal. Those we love and who love us are the ones who gain the strongest representation within us. Our "self" is formed through the complex interactions and collisions of all these influences over many years.
— "I Am a Paradox" by Hou Shida

Socializing and reading are both ways for us to connect with powerful souls, and these souls influence a person's cognition and behavior. As the saying goes:

A person's temperament hides the books he has read, the paths he has walked, and the people he has seen.

The more one learns, the more one loses the way. Continuously explore the external world while eliminating prejudices and dross, and take its essence.

Data sometimes only reflects the surface; one needs to delve into the demographics behind the data to truly understand the demand. A typical example is that iPad users are not high; when product managers see the low proportion, they choose not to optimize the experience, only to find that high-value users are behind the iPad.


I used to choose funds myself, but now I'm too lazy to choose and just do brainless regular investments in a few fund managers like Xie Zhiyu, Zhang Kun, Zhu Shaoxing, and Dong Chengfei.

Spending a lifetime doing something you dislike is much braver than selfishly pursuing dreams and doing as you please.
— "The Ship"

Why do novels often prefer a tragic tone? Is it because tragedy is the daily life of existence and easily resonates?


The benefit of working from home is that during leisure time, you can crazily do your own things, like reading. The premise is that you need enough self-discipline to efficiently complete your work tasks.

The reason I haven't subscribed to Kindle Unlimited is that I always feel this product is quite useless because the books I usually want to read are not included, which means I still have to buy them separately.

A good system should have low complexity and be easy to understand. Even if it has many functions, it can still be effectively organized, connected, or reused. Therefore, when designing complex systems, one can first break down specific functions and then design the architecture.


Works and linguistic features are greatly related. For example, Japan has hardly produced any world-renowned short stories; one reason might be the excessive use of honorifics, which makes it difficult to be concise and precise.

Chinese is actually very suitable for writing short stories, being indirect and polysemous, concise and powerful. Historically, many classic short stories have emerged, such as "Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio" and "The Scholars."

History is a little girl that can be dressed up as one wishes. This saying has been concretely reflected in the recently popular ancient costume drama set in the Warring States period. Why can the history of the Warring States period be dressed up as one wishes? Because at that time, schools of thought and strategies were emphasized, and a hundred schools contended, so the historical materials left behind are mostly in the form of biographical records, such as "Records of the Grand Historian," while "Strategies of the Warring States" is also arranged according to state categories. The downside of these two methods is that they cannot fully record the causes, consequences, and development processes of an event, making it impossible for later generations to view history from a macro temporal sequence, thus increasing the space for interpretation.

Writing can promote observation, forcing oneself to actively observe life, observe things, and incorporate one's own thoughts.

Motivation cannot be discussed because it cannot be verified.
— Wang Jianshuo


The British like to talk about the weather when they meet; this topic carries very low risk and won't annoy anyone, and the cost is also low because British weather is changeable, making it a common topic.

Big data killing familiarity is just a generalization that contains many themes worth pondering: privacy invasion, regional discrimination, gender discrimination, class discrimination, and so on.

Everyone on the planet has a right to be free.


When I was young, nostalgia was a small postage stamp; when I grew up, nostalgia became a nucleic acid test report.

Be passionate about contributions and confident about returns.

When a person runs toward the sun, the shadow will follow him. When he follows the shadow, he will move away from the sun, away from the light, and ultimately lose the shadow.
— Wang Jianshuo

It was the second nucleic acid test, and only three days had passed since the last one.


On the first day of remote work, efficiency was low, the environment was poor, and it took half a day just to set up a testing environment, which was frustrating.


I started sleeping at noon and woke up around five in the afternoon, then was pulled into the community group, informed that I needed to report my temperature daily and monitor my movements.

Recently, WeChat and QQ each had an important message. WeChat decided to launch an input method to protect users' input privacy; QQ was found to be browsing users' browser history.

First, WeChat's statement is somewhat detestable; simply put, it’s like a parent's saying, "I'm doing this for your own good."

Secondly, QQ's operation of checking browser history was reportedly exposed ten years ago, and now it has been disclosed again. Are they really indifferent to privacy?

Here’s a TED talk: Why Privacy Matters


Today is destined to be a memorable day; the company sealed off the building because a close contact came to the second floor last Friday. After dinner, I went down to do a nucleic acid test and started waiting for the results.

Tonight, I have to stay at the company.

I spent the whole night at the company, organizing the blog, and in the early hours, played script murder and Werewolf with colleagues.

In the morning, it was finally announced that everyone was negative, and we could be released. The whole company would work from home for 14 days.


I saw a small technique for eliminating bias, which is also a form of critical thinking:

Fact: Is this matter real?
Situation: Is this the full picture, or just one side's (especially the interested party's) account?
Inquiry: Am I inquiring, or just trying to confirm my preset position?
Certainty: Am I really that certain about this conclusion? What other possibilities could overturn this conclusion?

Profound; to deceive, one chooses things with distant relevance while ignoring facts with close relevance.

Everything has both proximate and distant causes; what is technically meaningful is the proximate cause. If mistaken, it is immediately falsified. Experts want to save face and are unwilling to put in the effort, so they simply avoid the proximate cause. Most distant causes are indifferent to right or wrong, unverifiable, and experts flock to them, parroting them back and forth. After they finish, it’s a mess, and they still don’t know where the chicken is.

One should avoid getting entangled in things that only have distant relevance and look at those that have close relevance.

Those who claim to care about privacy, are they worried about doing something shameful that makes them care about privacy leaks? Such people are the most detestable. A rebuttal technique is: if you don't care and haven't done anything wrong, would you be willing to install surveillance in your bedroom?


"Grand narratives can be instilled, but only oneself knows the joys and sorrows of life."

In the words of philosopher Eric Hoffer:

"The more a person has nothing to boast about, the easier it is for him to brag about his country, religion, race, and the sacred cause he participates in."

There are things of the past: Saxons
The steadfast sword and its black iron rhythm.

Exiled are the son of Laertes
The seas and islands, the golden moon in the Persian sky
And the endless
Two gardens, philosophy and history,
The gold buried in the tombs of memory
And the fragrance of jasmine in the shadows.

All of that is irrelevant. Writing poetry
This willingly endured practice cannot save you
The waters of dreams and that star cannot either
It forgets dawn in the desolate night.

Only one woman is your concern.
No different from others, but precisely her.

— "To the Sad Person" by Borges | Translated by Chen Dongbiao

[1] Laertes, the king of Ithaca in Greek mythology, father of Odysseus.


I read an article that said in 1978, Beijing's hotels for receiving foreign guests were insufficient because the Cultural Revolution had just ended, and the prolonged economic stagnation was not enough to cope with the sudden opening of the country. The article is interesting as it reflects the bigger picture through small details.

In "Reading Library" 1802, there are four excellent pieces. One is about blockchain, another about the purple clay pot master Wu Xiaotu, another about the romantic entanglement of Yu Dafu and Wang Yingxia, and the last one is about the writer Meng Weizai.

Especially the last three pieces, all centered around people, narrating their life stories, which are thought-provoking. From Wu Xiaotu, I see unwillingness and persistence; after decades of studying purple clay pots, he finally became a master. From the romantic entanglement of Yu Dafu and Wang Yingxia, one can understand the temperament of the poet Yu Dafu. From Meng Weizai, I see the delicacy and simplicity of a writer, as if looking at my elders.

You are lively in the internet café in Chengdu, while I am working part-time in Shijiazhuang for six consecutive days after work; we both have bright futures.


I read an article about Pinduoduo, where the author shared his nearly three-year experience there, which was shocking.

Working overtime is one thing; another is that the company completely does not regard employees as human beings, making it disgusting to stay there for even a day.

A person cannot be all about work; one needs their own time, extra time, to do things outside of work, which is beneficial for relaxation and improving efficiency. Just like ancient people's hunting; if one wakes up and immediately hunts, then sleeps after hunting without taking time to ponder new techniques or tools, on one hand, it will shorten one's lifespan, and on the other hand, one will lose many opportunities for self-improvement. Perhaps during leisure time, one could invent a tool that greatly increases hunting efficiency? Such hypotheses are hard to realize in an all-day work environment.


When time is infinitely magnified, everything becomes meaningless; immortality may be a form of torture.

The lack of clear boundaries in work hours can produce the same effect.


Values are a supplement to rules and regulations. Rules cannot cover everything, so a broad concept is needed to guide and achieve a restraining effect, and values play this role.


Cities like Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou are most suitable for two types of people: those who do not consider their source of livelihood and those who do not consider their quality of life.


We position ourselves as education rather than knowledge payment; similarly, in course conversion, we should not pursue selling courses but rather finding suitable users or helping users discover the courses they need, and perfecting this process.

The boss's KPI is, to some extent, your KPI.


SEM stands for Search Engine Marketing (bidding ads/information flow ads/brand zones), while SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization (optimizing websites for search engines).

  • SEO: Plant apples, wait to eat.
  • SEM: Buy apples, eat directly.


Decreasing real-life social interactions, intermittent online communication, and fragmented short outputs are damaging our ability to express in writing. For themes we want to express, it becomes increasingly difficult to organize language, and even emotions are hard to articulate.

We need to write, express, settle, and continuously train ourselves; even if what we produce now is garbage, we must persist until qualitative change occurs from quantitative change.

The essence of design is not creativity but communication between the designer and the user; it should allow users to understand the product at a glance and know how to use it. Therefore, good design must balance visibility and comprehensibility.
— Norman, "The Psychology of Design"

In the circle of friends, there are mainly two types of people: those who primarily share and those who primarily manage. The latter's approach of using their circle of friends to manage their persona is the most annoying because it offers almost no value to others. Their obvious characteristics include: frequently using props, such as high-end items and rare items; often using locations, such as marking business districts and office buildings; and others directly posting advertisements.

Selling ads is still straightforward; seeing it often leads to blocking. What is most unbearable is those who, by showcasing external possessions, incessantly flaunt to satisfy their vanity. I have seen an exaggerated example from a friend I had dinner with recently; he complained about this type of person in his circle of friends, one of whom is a hotel worker who constantly posts about luxurious hotels, yachts, and beautiful people living a lavish life. However, behind the glamorous photos, he only works in a sales-like position...


One can imagine that if you have a dispute with someone, you can endure, advise, inquire, reason, or even express anger; in these cases, your dispute might progress into a dialogue. But if you are sarcastic, the dialogue is immediately terminated. Many public disputes begin with a sarcastic remark.

Sarcasm is a violent means, a complete rejection.

Creation and destruction both bring excitement.

There are many consensuses and few controversies. This is the state needed for two people to get along, or even for any organization that requires collaboration; only in this way can it continue and last long.

Public topics often lag behind. When overwork deaths enter the public eye, it indicates that many people have already sacrificed.

What is shown to outsiders is the surface, the appearance; what is shown to oneself is the mood, the inner self. Whether it is lively or not is seen by outsiders; whether one is happy or not is known to oneself.

A person who is not good at speaking can convey his thoughts through writing.


People always need feedback. Generally, there are two significant types of feedback:

  1. The sense of achievement gained from accomplishing something through effort.
  2. The recognition, affirmation, and appreciation gained from social connections with others.

Reading should not pursue finishing a book but rather seek which knowledge points have brought inspiration and change.

Because a book is composed of multiple knowledge points, especially professional books, we should pursue related knowledge points from different books and then form our own system, internalizing them into our own understanding.

In everything, add your own thoughts, ask why, and make assumptions, allowing yourself to immerse in it and think from the creator's perspective. Where is it right, where is it wrong, what is good, what is not good—these are valuable thoughts that can enrich one's understanding.


Read Ji Xianlin. Montaigne's views on love and friendship suggest that once love enters the friendship stage, it declines and disappears. Love aims for bodily pleasure, which, once enjoyed, ceases to exist. In contrast, the more friendship is yearned for, the more it is enjoyed; friendship only sublimates, grows, and develops after it is obtained, as it is spiritual, and the soul is purified accordingly.

Excerpt from "The Justice Newspaper": The rich have high-quality etiquette, the poor have etiquette to avoid humiliation, fathers and sons have etiquette for kindness and filial piety, brothers have etiquette for harmony, husbands and wives have etiquette for lasting affection, friends have etiquette for loyalty, and society has etiquette for peace.

When a user uses a product, they are conversing with a part of themselves.

Dialogue is not for reaching a consensus but for continuously adjusting oneself through dialogue, deepening self-awareness.


Only one can beat the heart, and life and Duoduo cannot both be fought for.

During lunch, a front-end colleague shared an interesting phenomenon with me. Some people, when handing over tasks, do not lay everything bare; they deliberately set small traps or create specific jargon that others cannot understand, waiting for them to ask later, thus showcasing their own brilliance.

Such people are really interesting; do they lack a sense of achievement so much that they need to gain vanity in this way?

Some people will lose on their weaknesses, while more often, people will fail on their strengths.


Read Ji Xianlin's "A Life of Freedom." Chen Yinke was good at seeing the big picture from small details; for example, he investigated whether Yang Guifei entered the palace as a virgin. To outsiders, this topic seems quite vulgar, but he actually wanted to study the family style of the Tang dynasty and explore ethnic and cultural issues.

Wang Guowei said in "Human Words and Sentences": "To achieve great undertakings and great knowledge throughout history, one must go through three realms: 'Last night, the west wind withered the green trees, I alone ascended the tall building, gazing at the endless road.' This is the first realm. 'The belt gradually widens, but I do not regret it, for I have become haggard for her.' This is the second realm. 'Searching for him among the crowd for a thousand times, suddenly turning back, that person is there in the dim light.' This is the third realm."

Have the spirit of climbing high to gaze at the endless road, the diligence of not regretting the widening belt, and then wait for the right moment.

Scrolling through the phone and Douyin easily keeps the brain in a state of continuous stimulation, and these are all low-value activities. This makes it difficult for us to endure even a few minutes of boredom, breaking the focused spirit cultivated during school.

The issue of Pinduoduo employees using the wrong account involves a product detail, which is that when users send content, it is best to give them real feedback; in simple terms, it is necessary to tell users that they are speaking.


Be content with what you have and aware of what you lack.
— Bing Xin

Involution and outsourcing, contracts and divorce.


I went to get a haircut, and the guy who washed my hair said he could tell from my accent that I sounded a bit like someone from the south, asking if I was from Guangxi. I said yes, and he seemed surprised, saying he didn't expect to guess it right.

I asked him how he knew. He told me that a friend he plays games with is from Guangxi, and my accent is somewhat similar, so he made a blind guess.

Today's little surprise; the guy was clearly surprised by himself, and his excitement infected me.


This year's flowers change color, who will bloom again next year? Sighing over the fleeting spring light and the fleeting beauty, life is impermanent.

Let's work hard together and win together; it's all a beautiful wish. But using one dollar to express such a beautiful wish is a bit too low-key, isn't it? One hundred is one, one thousand is also one; why not use those? Ultimately, it still reflects one's desire to express such a wish without wanting to spend money.

Read Ji Xianlin. When discussing his experience studying in Germany, he had two insights. First, the importance of new insights in writing; the title doesn't need to be big, but it must be new; otherwise, it's a waste of paper and readers' energy. Second, the importance of careful proofreading. Before a book is published in Germany, everyone in the research room must proofread it to ensure rigor. He humorously remarked, "Germans can be as wise as they can be foolish."

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