


Log | 2020 · December



Meeting is just a misunderstanding; when unfollowing, just slip away quietly. There's no need to act like withdrawing investment, thinking I would suffer a great loss. This refers to some people on social media who unfollow yet still message you, as if the blogger would plead with them not to unfollow.


A good conversation today, the excitement is not shallow. When we meet again in the rivers and lakes, we shall drink and be merry. Let us part here.
—— The Return of the Condor Heroes, Yang Guo.


These faces in the crowd appear like ghosts
Many petals on the wet black branches
—— "At a Subway Station" by Pound

The wind howls outside, and I can't sleep, so I pick up my Kindle to continue reading The Godfather.

As I read, a thought pops into my mind: the power of the police comes from the people and is used for the people.

When I was preparing the year-end report, I should have pushed for channel cooperation with those influential people; that was a misstep.


There won't be a problem at noon, but something will happen in the morning or evening.


Rebels, a high-level expression of cannon fodder. It's true that many originally derogatory terms have been given a positive spin, such as "copying homework." These words, in my view, destroy the beauty of the Chinese language, and every time I hear them, I feel a sense of disgust.

In the past, traffic focused on PV, then user count, and then user duration, becoming increasingly three-dimensional. What will be next? User duration during prime time? After all, time slots have different values, just like the airing time of TV dramas; evening slots are definitely prime time.

Facebook expands based on social relationships, while Twitter expands based on people's interests. Their approaches are different, but both apply to anyone. In tech education products, users come to learn, and most have relatively clear technical categories, so aggregation can be based on technology, followed by expansion.


I saw a Disney photo taken during Christmas. When the fireworks lit up the sky, everyone raised their phones, staring at the small screens, seemingly forgetting that the real beauty lies beyond the screens.

Perhaps they just didn't want to miss this beautiful moment, or maybe they wanted to leave a photo as proof of having seen such a beautiful scene. But the truly beautiful scenery has already passed.

If you know something will happen sooner or later, then you are an investor; if you expect something to happen at a certain time, then you are a speculator.

Speculation is generally short-term, while investment is long-term; one should be a long-term thinker.


I found a service for hosting images, which is OneDrive. The web version allows you to click to embed images, generating a link that can be placed in a Markdown document.

It's safe and stable, not afraid of images being deleted mysteriously, and it can also be used for backup with OneDrive, killing two birds with one stone.

You can also use a tool on your phone to convert shared image links into directly usable links:


Reduce the cost of low-value things or make them valuable.

Be a long-term thinker, not a speculator. Consider what is important at the moment and whether it is worth long-term investment.

How many of the things being done now can bring long-term returns?


Reading The Godfather.

  • Friendship is everything. More important than talent, more important than government, almost as important as family.
  • There are no business disputes that cannot be resolved between those who understand reason.

Tragedies mostly stem from violations of rules.

What can be called a tragedy, and what can be called a violation? Anything that makes the parties feel sad is a tragedy; violating established rules is considered a violation.

Eating forbidden fruit, having a child too early, leading to poor health, is a tragedy stemming from violating established rules and exceeding one's physical limits.

You can borrow money just by opening an app; what a magical era.


Reading The Godfather. The first three stories: the coffin shop owner's daughter is beaten by thugs without legal consequences; a Hollywood singer encounters difficulties; a bakery owner wants to keep his son-in-law from being deported. When these three people encounter difficulties, the first thought is of the Godfather, highlighting Corleone's influence in the legal, capital, and political realms.

The company has been offline for a whole day, giving a feeling of returning to student days. If there were a power outage, it would feel even more so. The difference is that during student days, a power outage meant no studying or classes, and you could chat and fool around with classmates; but in the company, a power outage doesn't mean your work tasks are off the hook.

So, I worked with a hotspot all day; what a hassle.

When studying, the main source of knowledge comes from books and teachers' teachings; after entering the workforce, the people you interact with and the learning methods developed during school become especially important. Without self-learning ability, it's hard to make breakthroughs.


I suddenly thought, recently on the way to work with friends, the topics of conversation are all complaints. Why? Why not talk about some interesting topics or ideas?

Complaining doesn't bring about any change; at most, it relieves mood and releases inner dissatisfaction. To make a change, action is necessary.

In short, I still don't like to engage in topics centered around complaints; at least when the conversation is mostly complaints, the value of the discussion is almost zero.


The content of the blog is completely in my hands, and the style can be adjusted or trimmed according to needs. I really love this self-defined format.


Your problem mainly lies in reading too little while thinking too much.
—— Yang Jiang


The closer a government is to democracy, the more suitable it is for a commercial nation; economic prosperity relies on maximum freedom. Businesspeople know best where their interests lie. Once the authorities start to intervene with lessons or regulations, everyone loses.

Brian Chesky, the founder of Airbnb, said the most impactful thing he heard from his college teacher:

You are a designer; you live in someone else's world because they designed it, and they are not smarter than you. Now it's your turn to design the world you want to live in.

The reason I want to leave WeChat public accounts is also driven by this sentiment: the backend is so difficult to use, why should I continue using it? Articles can be deleted without a word, and backups are not provided; how can I feel at ease?

Reading serves two important purposes for me: recognizing myself and enriching my knowledge.

Gmail's filter allows you to apply multiple senders using the "|" separator to indicate "or," which is easy to find!


A small number of people train algorithms, while algorithms train the majority.

Elites indirectly control the masses through technology, making them perform fixed behaviors according to their will.

When two strangers of different genders take the same elevator, the gentleman's courteous act is to stand in front of the lady. If someone is behind, the lady may feel unsafe.

Strengths and weaknesses are personal characteristics; they are not absolute. Different perspectives yield different results. For example, being inarticulate is generally seen as a weakness by outsiders, but from a personal perspective, such individuals often have a more delicate inner world.

Grabbing the ground with toes in anger is such an interesting and vivid description.

The person who writes such adjectives must observe life in great detail.


It's quite strange to erect a statue for the living, and even stranger to unveil your own statue.

We often overlook common yet crucial things, such as the selfless care of loved ones. Fish always see water last, but water is essential to fish.

The government's role should be macro-control, delegating authority to institutions or companies to execute, along with creating a competitive environment to avoid monopolies. Discussing waste sorting during dinner tonight sparked this thought.

The life cycle of topics is short and vibrant; the life cycle of channels is long and weak.

Work inevitably creates something; whether that something is garbage or value depends on you. Enjoyment generally does not create value. Therefore, pure enjoyment after retirement will surely be boring and monotonous, as without value, there is no sense of achievement, which is quite terrifying.

Thus, even if one no longer needs to work, one must "work" to seek value creation to avoid falling into a monotonous and tedious situation.


After teeth cleaning, my gums indeed stopped bleeding. But why is that? Are the gums inflamed due to tartar buildup, leading to food residue accumulation?


Spent two weeks of spare time finishing the "Perfume" series

  • 📚 "Perfume" Author: [German] Patrick Süskind Douban 8.5

  • 🎬 "Perfume" Director: Tom Tykwer 2006 Douban 8.5

  • 📺 "Perfume Season 1" Director: Philipp Kadelbach 2018 Douban 8.2

I first watched the TV series on Netflix, which only has six episodes. The series extracts the core of the original work for adaptation, which is very innovative, and the plot is completely unrelated to the original, so I didn't feel spoiled while reading the original.

Then I started reading the original work, and after finishing the book, I watched the movie, which is very faithful to the original with almost no modifications. The story is fascinating, reminding me of 1900 from "The Legend of 1900," one gifted in music and the other in scent; both can purely pursue their passions.

PS. The series is slightly violent and thrilling.


Those who cannot be emotionally independent derive their value and sense of security from others' opinions. Once they cannot please others, they become extremely depressed.
—— "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People"

Such people will live their lives in the shadows of others, suffering and tormented.


I remember my first online teeth cleaning appointment in Beijing.

Some time ago, my gums kept bleeding; I would bleed while brushing and even feel bleeding after closing my mouth. At first, I was quite anxious, fearing it was gum inflammation, so I quickly scheduled a teeth cleaning.

Appointment: I searched for teeth cleaning on JD and saw a ranking, mindlessly choosing the top-ranked Happy Dental. I checked the details and reviews, which were quite good, and since it was a chain, I felt more at ease.

After placing the order, I immediately received a text message, but it didn't say when to go for the cleaning. Clicking on the order details, I saw a consumption code and an expiration date. I could call the number on the order to schedule the time.

Perhaps it was busy on the weekend; the nearest Wangjing branch called me, saying there were only two time slots left on Saturday, either four or five in the afternoon. I thought about it and decided to go at four, so I could still make dinner afterward, thus scheduling for four.

Upon arriving at the hospital, I filled out basic information and created a basic case file, then sat nearby waiting for my turn.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, it was my turn. X-ray: I put on a lead apron, bit down on the groove of the buckle, and waited for a minute for the scan to finish.

When I saw the X-ray of my teeth, I was quite surprised; the two wisdom teeth below were almost pushing against the normal teeth, and I thought I must find time to have them removed.

Then the doctor did a simple check and said there was too much difference between my left and right teeth, with the left side being more severe. I was puzzled as to why there would be so much tartar on the left side when I brushed with my right hand.

Teeth cleaning: It felt like a mix of rinsing and scraping, especially painful in the canine area, a piercing pain. They paused twice to suction the blood from my mouth, and I could see too much blood in the tube...

It lasted for about an hour, and afterward, they applied some medication, advising not to rinse immediately. The doctor taught me the correct way to use an electric toothbrush, then added me on WeChat, saying he would recommend a water flosser, thinking to myself, here comes the sales pitch.

Finally, they said to schedule a follow-up next week to see if the gums have healed and to remove the wisdom teeth. I said to schedule the follow-up for next week, and we would talk about the wisdom teeth later, as they would definitely hurt for a while, so I needed to plan.

I scheduled a follow-up for next Saturday at four, and this teeth cleaning ended here. It seems there was no polishing as mentioned online.


The ability to think independently comes not only from grand and eloquent thoughts but also from being true to one's real inner feelings. This ability needs protection and awakening.

Being true to one's inner feelings is also the ability to think independently.

The incident with the Chengdu girl fully illustrates the principle of "In the internet age, don't rush to conclusions; it's not too late to see clearly before speaking." Many people saw the girl moving between so many bars and defined her as a promiscuous woman, not realizing she was responsible for the bar's atmosphere and marketing, making her frequent transitions quite reasonable.

The acquisition of Luo Yonghao's company actually has an underlying routine. A listed company acquires personal IP, the individual receives a large sum of cash, and the listed company benefits from exposure leading to a rise in stock price. This kind of play is common among celebrities but has been regulated.

As for Luo Yonghao's situation, it could very well be an internal operation. The listed company gains publicity, the stock price surges, and then someone sells off to make a profit. Now that it has collapsed, it's the batch of retail investors who suffer, while the two companies are unharmed.


IMDB recently announced the top ten most popular series of 2020:

  1. The Boys Season 2;
  2. Money Heist Season 3;
  3. Dark Season 3;
  4. Ozark Season 3;
  5. The Mandalorian Season 2;
  6. The Queen's Gambit;
  7. The Umbrella Academy Season 2;
  8. Westworld Season 3;
  9. The Witcher Season 1;
  10. The Crown Season 4.

The director of "The Great Qin Empire" is still limited to telling the story of the Qin people, without looking at the larger environment of that time. Many key events in the rise of the Qin state cannot be separated from the introduction of talents from the six states and their grand displays of talent. Accepting talented individuals is a great topic; why not emphasize it?


After the poor interaction with QR code recognition, WeChat has now created its own input box interaction, directly cutting out Android's native double-click word selection, long-press multi-selection, and other interactions.

I can understand that you need to create your own for business needs like adding topics, but at least make it usable? Now, double-clicking doesn't select anything, or selecting a word only highlights one letter; all the friendly and convenient native operations have been eliminated. It's truly impressive.

In optimizing live streaming, I realized my limitations. I focused on specific details, such as how to design the product list and interactions, but I didn't consider a complete business process: existing traffic -> retention -> conversion.

I focused on a certain point but forgot to connect them, even neglecting to sort out the preceding business before conversion. First, frame it, then break down tasks, and finally focus on details; a profound lesson.

On the way back in a taxi, I suspected the driver took a detour—choosing a longer route. It was only after my friend reminded me that I realized and changed the route.

So the question arises: can the driver change routes at will, even without the passenger's knowledge? I find this setup a bit strange. Imagine a scenario where the passenger is unfamiliar with the terrain, especially for orders at stations; many people are visiting for the first time, and it's easy to be led astray by the driver without realizing it.

Of course, I still don't know if the route was changed, so the above speculation remains just that.


Reading "Perfume." Baldini made Gray an apprentice solely to extract his talent for perfume.

When Gray fell ill and became infected, Baldini only thought about how his grand plans would be ruined, focusing solely on how to extract as much perfume knowledge as possible from the dying Gray. The capitalist's sinister face was fully revealed.

In the end, Gray did not die because he realized that extracting fragrance is not just about distillation; a person with hope does not die easily, so Gray healed himself.

I feel Gray is very similar to 1900 from "The Legend of 1900," a pure person in his own field. 1900's heart only had the piano on the sea, while Gray only had perfume. He could apprentice for perfume without seeking any fame or fees; he could also use perfume to support himself during his critical illness.


What needs to be clarified is that you have an employment relationship with the person who pays your salary, not with your colleagues or your leader. Therefore, you should be grateful to those who have helped you. There is no need to be overly emotionally affected by the other side of the employment relationship.


Today I watched a thriller series, "Perfume Season 1," which is very short, only six episodes, telling the story of a murderer who kills women to extract their scent glands. There are no good people in the entire series, and the murderer is unexpected; the final outcome is both shocking and somewhat predictable. It can be said that many characters' developments in the series are closely related to their original families.

After watching, I decided to check out the original novel.


The most valuable profession is to create things, not to consume them.

This statement from the founder of Telegram resonates with my thoughts. Consumption is easy, but the joy it brings is also cheap and fleeting. In contrast, creating and changing brings more lasting excitement and happiness.

Ineffective socializing is also a form of consumption, wasting time and energy; one should spend more time solidifying things, such as writing and drawing, which are forms of creation.


I do not support traditional Chinese medicine, but I do not hold biases against those who advocate for it, nor do I wish to discuss related topics.


On the way home from work, I met caoz going down the stairs together. I said that when I first came, I was just trying out being a full-time consultant, just giving some suggestions. Then I discovered some opportunities and set my own goals, which is why I asked taptap for permissions and resources, equivalent to the company funding me to achieve (shared) goals, and they even pay me. In return, I would also take on some tasks that are not within my goals but that the company needs me to do, which caoz exclaimed, isn't this exactly what Teacher Yu Jun often says at Baidu? The company provides resources for you to achieve your goals, gaining experience points, why not?
—— Pure Silver

This attitude is excellent. The company provides resources to gain experience, achieve goals, and conveniently pays; that's fantastic. However, many people only see work as a way to make money, losing both enjoyment and the passion for self-fulfillment.


The series "The Queen's Gambit," if viewed from the perspective of a genius girl overcoming challenges to ultimately win, is indeed very satisfying. However, looking back, the series also discusses other topics, such as:

  • The loneliness, self, downfall, and redemption of genius;
  • Issues regarding women, marriage, happiness, and independence;
  • Discussions on collaboration and going solo.

The exploration of these topics is quite interesting, and the transitions are remarkably natural.

Things have their own insights; being able to reason them out, being well-prepared, and then connecting with others is essential; otherwise, it will only give others an impression of being unprofessional and thoughtless, wasting both parties' time. The most common scenario is discussing plans with the boss, bringing thoughts along, and then having the boss think together about the next steps, which is quite irrational and impolite.

I believe a better approach is to bring a relatively solid plan for communication. If time is tight and you haven't thought it through, at least organize your thoughts, explain how you arrived at your conclusions, and ideally list the pros and cons of several approaches, then discuss how to refine the next steps, clarifying the direction for optimization.

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